Understand Important Cooling Tower Parts

15 March 2022
 Categories: Industrial & Manufacturing, Blog


If you would like to make sure that you are well informed about the cooling tower and the parts that make it work efficiently for your business, you will want to continue reading.

The Fans

The fans are an essential part of a cooling tower, as they force the air throughout the system, and they are found in a few different types of cooling towers, such the crossflow and counterflow. Those cooling towers are mechanical in nature, unlike the natural airflow cooling towers which do not make use of fans. The natural airflow cooking towers make use of natural drafts.

The Fill Media

Fill media is among the most important parts of a cooling tower. Without it, the unit is not going to function as it should. You will find that there are two main types of fill media, which include the splash style and film style. The film style fill media evenly distributes water across the flat surface while the splash style breaks up the moisture in splashes.


The driveshafts within a cooling tower are important because they take the energy from the gear reducer's outflow shaft and return it to the intake shaft. It is important to make sure that you are purchasing a rust-proof driveshaft should you ever need to replace it. This is important because it would not take a lot of time for the driveshaft to develop rust due to the high moisture environment it works in.

Reservoir Heaters

The reservoir heaters are an essential part of the cooling tower system. They help make sure that the water in the cooling tower does not actually freeze, which can be a problem in areas that get extremely cold during the winter. If you need to purchase a replacement reservoir heater, you will want to make sure that you are getting one that has both the CSA and UL ratings because you want safety and efficiency to be your main concern.

With the information found here, you should find that you are going to be a lot more knowledgeable about the cooling towers and you can pass some of this knowledge onto your co-workers. You might also discover that it is going to be a lot easier for you to determine whether there is something wrong with any of the cooling towers and what might need to be done in order for them to be properly repaired. 

For more information, contact a cooling tower product company near you.